High Sierra Regatta 2023

High Sierra Regatta 2023

Almost as soon as we stepped foot on California soil we didn’t hesitate racing back to the water. However, we did trade in the salty sea for the freshwater lake we call “home”. Long before Avocet, there was Geronimo, the Victory 21’ that Chris taught me how to sail aboard when...

Adios Avocet – The Haul Out

Adios Avocet – The Haul Out

Peñasco Party - Part One Hauling out was different this time. Our life was even more-so weaved into the boat, and we were in an entirely different country. Haul Time  The last time Avocet was on dry land was in 2020, when we hauled out just days before the world shut down...

Isla Coronado

Isla Coronado

If there's one thing that sailing adventures thus far have taught us, it's that some places are simply destined to leave a mark on your heart. Isla Coronado, a hidden gem in the vast expanse of Mexico's coastal beauty, is one such place that made not only our fifth wedding...

Our Love Story

Our Love Story

The Early Years I was recently writing an upcoming blog post about our time in Isla Coronados For those of you that don’t know our story, this is a good time to tell it - well, the sparknotes version anyways. Chris and I officially met back in 2009 at a mutual friend's wedding....

V-Cove, Our Own Slice of Paradise

V-Cove, Our Own Slice of Paradise

Escondido - V Cove Well, Honeymoon cove on Isla Danzante sounded great in theory, but we were immediately swarmed by bees and I received my very first jellyfish stings when I jumped in the water to snorkel - baptized by sting. Kessel was the first to pull the hook and leave,...

Agua? Verde. 

Agua? Verde. 

Nestled along the shores of the enchanting Sea of Cortez in Baja California Sur, Mexico, lies Agua Verde. Far away from the bustling tourist hotspots, this charming coastal village welcomes intrepid travelers seeking an authentic Mexican experience in a serene and unspoiled setting. It’s a place where time seems to slow down, and worries dissipate with every gentle sea breeze… at least that’s what the guidebook said. 

Perkins, Crocodiles and Massages

Perkins, Crocodiles and Massages

Chris’s legs were dangling above the pit that once held our Perkins engine, debating his next move while painted in oil, diesel, sweat and dirt. His phone was in his right hand on speaker-phone while his left hand collected various dirty towels and tools around him. His...
