The connection between vessel and crew is a tale as old as time, and for those of us who live aboard their vessels the...
Haul Out Articles
Dear Avocet, We’re Coming For You!
I sat on the living room floor, surrounded by green bins that contained my entire life. It felt strange, considering...
Boys Trip to Peñasco
If you've ever embarked on a road trip, you're probably familiar with the unique blend of excitement and stress that...
Adios Avocet – The Haul Out
Peñasco Party - Part One Hauling out was different this time. Our life was even more-so weaved into the boat, and we...
The Last 100 Miles to Peñasco
Here’s Where Things Get Interesting Although Chris and I are accustomed to being on the go, constantly, our 3 month...
The Gentry Eagle
A Tale of Triumph and Sorrow By Marissa Neely Ventura Harbor California is a seaside oasis filled with various...
Christopher’s Geronimo
The 8-Day Transformation of our Victory 21’ Sailboat My heart pounded as adrenaline rushed through my veins, the wind...
Toe Rail to Bulwark Conversion
When we bought Avocet in 2018 we knew right away there were a number of issues that needed to be addressed. Although...
“Do You Even Sail?”
If you have recently followed our blog or YouTube channel during the mass influx of new subscribers, you are probably thinking all we ever do is boat projects, and I totally get it! It definitely seems and feels like that is the case here, however…
Operation: Haul Out
I feel like after our New Years’ kiss I blinked and when I opened my eyes it was already March 1st- where has the time gone? January was spent settling into our new slip and getting ready for our latest project(s) while February was a huge project in itself…